EXPANDING THE DOS ENVIRONMENT The DOS environment is an area in memory where DOS keeps track of various information, including prompts, path statements, and the COMSPEC (COMSPEC tells DOS where to find Command.com when it needs to be re-loaded into memory). This space can also be used to store user-defined variables using the SET command. The default environment size is as follows: DOS 3.1 & 3.2 - 128 bytes DOS 3.3 - 168 bytes To Increase the size, add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file: SHELL=d:\path\COMMAND.COM /E:size /P Where: d:\path\COMMAND.COM is the location & name of the command interpreter /P ensures that COMMAND.COM stays loaded /E:size is the size of the environment The size is equal to: DOS 3.1 - The number of bytes you want divided by 16 and rounded up. DOS 3.2 & UP - The number of bytes you want, 32K maximum. For example, the following line in your CONFIG.SYS file for DOS 3.3: SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /E:1024 /P Would expand the environment from the default of 168 bytes to 1024 bytes. Uploaded by: Patrick H. Corrigan The Corrigan Group 75170,146 3/9/90